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What is it
At this event, we will explore LHS projects and celebrate the progress and achievements of our LHS fellows. Over the course of the year, each fellow has been designing and implementing digital transformation projects at their organisations using a Learning Health System framework.
29/11/2023 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Melbourne Connect, The Lab & Launchpad

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Learning Health System Academy Symposium

Come along to the Learning Health System (LHS) Academy Symposium to hear of the latest LHS projects led by our 2023 Academy Fellows.

At this event, we will explore LHS projects and celebrate the progress and achievements of our LHS fellows. Over the course of the year, each fellow has been designing and implementing digital transformation projects at their organisations using a Learning Health System framework. Come along and hear what it takes to engage in digital transformation. You will learn what is possible and what is challenging when forming a team, securing health data, analysing health data, building virtual solutions, and implementing digital solutions in a health care setting.

The event will be divided into three panel sessions: Data to Knowledge (D2K), Knowledge to Practice (K2P), Practice to Data (P2D). In each panel, allocated Fellows will undertake a 5-minute rapid-fire presentation on their LHS projects, followed by moderated Q&A. The symposium will be followed by refreshments and an opportunity to network.

If you’re unable to make the event in-person, virtual attendance can be accessed via a streamed link. We encourage mentors and participants to attend in-person.

This event is open to the public and all attendees are welcome, including faculty and school members from Uni Melb, our MACH health organisation partners, clinicians, and industry.

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