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Melbourne Connect Innovation Week: Mon 2 – Fri 6 September 2024

Current phase: Submissions Open on Weds 8 May

Submissions due by Friday 7 June

Innovation Week is Melbourne Connect’s annual flagship festival.

The week celebrates our innovation ecosystem and the convergence of organisations and institutions leveraging research and emerging technologies to disrupt and transform our society. Innovation Week showcases the precinct’s – and the University’s – convening power, and is a demonstration of the intellectual and physical outputs of the University and its partners.

Melbourne Connect invites colleagues and partners from across the precinct and the University to participate — across HASS to STEM and everything in-between.

Submit an Event

For more information on Innovation Week please read this presentation from our Briefing Session.

If you’d like to discuss your ideas further:

  • Attend our final ‘drop-in’ session, running from 1 – 2pm on Wednesday 5 June (Zoom ID: 81241744717 and password: 637198); or
  • Reach out to Steve Grimwade, Manager Events & Activations.
Festival Events & Activities

The festival hub is at Melbourne Connect – but we welcome programming in venues across the University of Melbourne (and beyond).

The week hosts 40+ activities – from orations, pitches and panels to workshops, exhibitions and speed-dating. We are only limited by your creativity.

In 2023 we had:

  • 2300+ registrations
  • 700+ leads created for partners
  • 110,000 LinkedIn impressions
Innovation Week Goals

The goals of Innovation Week are to:

  • Promote participating partners
  • Showcase innovation outputs and impacts (ideas, research, tech, social benefit, etc)
  • Demonstrate our convening power
Why get involved?
  • No venue or AV costs! 
  • Leverage extensive mar comms efforts & spend
  • All events in Forum and Launchpad filmed
Melbourne Connect Principles

Resourcefulness: seek, share and assist in resource discovery and deployment.

Innovation: focus on crucial problems and develop novel solutions that improve society.

Sharing: collaborate with each other with openness, frequency, and ease.

Advocacy: share their pride as an advocate for Melbourne Connect.

Connection: build connections and mutual trust to generate and respond quickly to opportunities.

Future Focussed: generously include students in their work.

Mutual Support: encourage and celebrate each other’s development as essential parts of the Melbourne Connect ecosystem.