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What is it
In the first Science at Melbourne public lecture for 2024, join the Faculty of Science for a fascinating expert panel discussion on a range of perspectives on Quantum, the applications of quantum computing, and its impact on society and our planet.
24/04/2024 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Melbourne Connect, The Forum (Level M)

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The Final Countdown? Preparing for the Quantum Age

Immensely powerful quantum computers were conceived decades ago. They are inching closer to commercial reality, but we aren’t there yet. What are the barriers to robust, large-scale processors made of weird and wonderful qubits? When we overcome these challenges, how will our communications, finance, energy, medicine, and other sectors change? As a species, are we ready for the Quantum Age?

In the first Science at Melbourne public lecture for 2024, our panel of experts represent a range of perspectives on Quantum and will discuss the applications of quantum computing, and its impact on society and our planet.

The Science at Melbourne Lecture series is the premier public event series from the Faculty of Science. The event program seeks to share our knowledge and love of science with the wider community, engaging them in current research and empowering them to ask questions and take actions for a better world. The series runs throughout the year covering scientific research, discoveries and theories that play exciting or unexpected roles in shaping and advancing our society.

This event will be run as a hybrid offering with guests able to attend in-person or register for online tickets.


  • Welcome Address: Professor Moira O'Bryan, Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne
  • Moderator: Dr Suzie Sheehy, Associate Professor and Baker/ANSTO Fellow in Medical Accelerator Physics, School of Physics
  • Featured speaker: Professor Lloyd Hollenberg, Thomas Baker Chair and Melbourne Laureate Professor, Director, IBM Quantum Hub @ The University of Melbourne, Deputy Director, Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology
  • Panellist: Professor Kate Smith-Miles, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Capability), Melbourne Laureate Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Director OPTIMA
  • Panellist: Professor David Jamieson, School of Physics.

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