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What is it
This public talk, hosted by OPTIMA ARC, will take a look at the mathematical modelling of blockchain.
15/02/2023 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Melbourne Connect, The Manhari Room, Level 7

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The Bitcoin blockchain: what can mathematical modelling teach us?

This public talk, hosted by OPTIMA ARC, will take a look at the mathematical modelling of blockchain.

In 2009, a paper was posted online with some software, under the pseudonym, “Nakamoto”, showing how to make something called Bitcoin. Unfortunately, a calculation in that paper contained an error – the calculation was supposed to show that a malicious player would not be able to delete a transaction.

Professor Peter Taylor will introduce blockchain and show us how to correct that troublesome error. He’ll also comment on how stochastic modelling can be used to address other current concerns about Bitcoin, including how slow transactions are compared to VISA and other payment methods. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of the talk.

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