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What is it
Hosted by The Contemplative Studies Centre and Deakin University, this event will draw together topic experts and experts in interdisciplinary research to explore ways different disciplines understand and address risks within the spirituality and well-being space.
22/06/2023 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Room 253, Level 2, Arts West North Wing (Building 148A), Professors Walk, The University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC 3010

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Interdisciplinary approaches to spirituality, wellness, wellbeing, and risks

This workshop begins with the proposition that interdisciplinary thinking and research approaches are required to adequately understand the intersecting phenomena of wellness, well-being, and risk related to contemporary spirituality.

This event will draw together topic experts and experts in interdisciplinary research to explore ways different disciplines understand and address risks within the spirituality and well-being space. Panellists will discuss their approach to risk, provide examples of interdisciplinary work in these or aligned spaces, and invite participants into constructive cross-disciplinary dialogue.

Panel discussions will lead into a sequence of structured activities, effectively a short, interdisciplinary workshop, which will encourage participants to share, design and connect with other attendees in ways that may lead to future research collaborations and outputs.

This event is jointly hosted by the Contemplative Studies Centre and Deakin University.


Associate Professor Nicholas Van Dam
Director, Contemplative Studies Centre

Associate Professor Nicholas Van Dam is the inaugural Director of the Contemplative Studies Centre. Nicholas is a highly regarded global leader in contemplative research and practice with a strong commitment to interdisciplinary dialogue and empirical rigour. His research explores the ways that meditation and mindfulness practices can support wellbeing, in pursuit of a better understanding of the human condition. He completed a PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University at Albany, SUNY (USA), and worked at New York University, the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, and the Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, prior to joining The University of Melbourne.

Dr Julieta Galante
Deputy Director, Contemplative Studies Centre

Dr Julieta Galante is the Deputy Director of the Contemplative Studies Centre. She is a qualified medical doctor and previously worked in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge. Julieta’s research focuses on the potential of meditation practices for mental health promotion, particularly those techniques used in public health and other secular settings. She is interested in exploring their suitability, effectiveness, and limitations. The practices Julieta has studied most comprehensively are mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation, and their impact on psychological and social outcomes. Julieta is a passionate advocate of interdisciplinary work, and of improving research quality and transparency whenever possible.

Dr Paul Bramadat

Director and Professor, Religion, Culture and Society Program, University of Victoria

Paul Bramadat is a professor at the University of Victoria and director of the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society. His academic interests include religion and public discourse, public health, and public safety. His most recent co-edited books were Religion at the Edge: Nature, Spirituality and Secularity in the Pacific Northwest (UBC 2022), and Urban Religious Events: Public Spirituality in Contested Spaces (Bloomsbury 2022). His current research is in postural yoga in contemporary Canada and the United States.

Dr Jessamy Gleeson
Associate Director of Teaching and Learning & Senior Lecturer Indigenous Knowledges, Deakin University

Dr Jessamy Gleeson is a passionate feminist activist, academic, and social media enthusiast. She completed her PhD in feminist activism and social media at Swinburne University of Technology in 2018, and has presented at a number of national and international conferences.

Outside of this, Jess has also previously led the organising team at SlutWalk Melbourne, and participated in the organisation at Girls On Film Festival. She founded Bossy Management in 2017, combining her love of organisation with her passion for feminism.

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