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What is it
Engage in a dynamic Q&A, where you’ll gain invaluable insights into how contemplation intertwines with our speakers’ daily routines, fuels their resilience, and empowers them to lead with purpose. Don’t miss this opportunity to share in a conversation about inner growth, collective compassion, and compelling positive change.
30/11/2023 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Science Gallery Melbourne, Melbourne Connect

Register here

Harmony and Humanity: A Path of Empowerment

This event is hosted by our co-located partners at the Contemplative Studies Centre.

Join a panel of remarkable individuals as they unveil how they use contemplative practices to help them nurture empathy, foster connection, and uplift diverse voices, all while driving challenging and important advocacy work. Engage in a dynamic Q&A, where you’ll gain invaluable insights into how contemplation intertwines with our speakers’ daily routines, fuels their resilience, and empowers them to lead with purpose. Don’t miss this opportunity to share in a conversation about inner growth, collective compassion, and compelling positive change.

Light refreshments will be available following the event.

Please note, this is an in-person event. We are looking forward to an engaging and insightful experience; however, we understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading to changes in your plans. If you find that you’re no longer able to attend the event, we kindly ask that you inform us as soon as possible. This will not only help us manage our resources efficiently but also provide an opportunity for other interested participants to join in your place. Please email Contemplate-CSC@unimelb.edu.au to let us know.


Dr Grant Blashki

Lead Clinical Advisor, Beyond Blue

Dr Grant Blashki MD MBBS FRACGP is a practicing GP, the Lead Clinical Advisor for Beyond Blue, an active Media Commentator and Associate Professor at the Nossal Institute for Global Health, His three themes of work are 1) Primary Mental Health Care 2) Climate Change and Health and 3) Public Health Communication. He has co-edited nine books, co-authored 140 peer reviewed papers, and has commented in the media on public health on over 500 occasions.

Dr Susan Carland

Research Fellow, Monash University

Dr Susan Carland is an academic, writer, and social commentator. she completed her PhD in Monash University’s School of Political and Social Inquiry and is now the Director of the Bachelor of Global Studies. Susan’s first monograph Fighting Hislam was published by Melbourne University Publishing in 2017, and The Research Process (6th edition), co-authored with Professor Gary Bouma, was also published in 2016 by Oxford University Press. 

She is the host of the podcast What Happens Next? Susan was invited to present her research at the UN in Geneva, has been named on the 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World list, and The Age’s 20 Most Influential Australian Female Voices.

Adjunct Associate Professor Sophie Scott


Sophie is an award-winning journalist, broadcaster, author and Adjunct Associate Professor. Sophie’s mission is to empower people to become the architect of their own health and wellbeing, by bringing evidence-based information to audiences around the world.

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