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What is it
We are thrilled to announce that The Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research (ASSCR) and the Australasian Gene and Cell Therapy Society (AGCTS) will come together to host a conference from 16th to 18th November, 2022 in Melbourne, where we will showcase the latest discoveries in stem cell science and gene therapy.
16/11/2022, 8:00am - 18/11/2022, 4:00pm

Melbourne Connect, The Forum

From $520
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From Stem Cells and Genes to Therapies

We are thrilled to announce that The Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research (ASSCR) and the Australasian Gene and Cell Therapy Society (AGCTS) will come together to host a conference from 16th to 18th November, 2022 in Melbourne, where we will showcase the latest discoveries in stem cell science and gene therapy.

The From Stem Cells and Genes to Therapies conference will highlight how stem cells can be used to understand development, create disease models and discover new treatments. We will also explore the latest innovations in gene therapy spanning vector development to clinical applications. Combining powerful genetic technologies with strategies for cell replacement and the progression of clinical trials will be addressed alongside ethical and regulatory implications.

We are looking forward to the opportunity to share and discuss our research. This will be the first ‘face-to-face’ meeting for the 2 societies (and many Australian researchers) in two years due to COVID disruptions. There is great excitement within society to re-engage, share science and form new collaborations in person. We will also hear from high-profile international speakers and discuss their work via virtual presentations, enabling us to continue to build links to the global stem cell and gene therapy communities despite the current difficulties in travelling to (and from) Australia.

Helen Abud (President ASSCR) and Paul Gregorevic (President AGCTS)

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