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What is it
Data analysis may seem straightforward, but there are different variables, assumptions and processes in collecting and interpreting data. Where does this leave ethics and the systems and tools we use?
16/05/2023 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Online and Manhari Room (Room 7217), Level 7, Melbourne Connect

Register here

Data journeys and digital ethics: Complexities, challenges and bottlenecks

Data analysis may seem straightforward, but there are different variables, assumptions and processes in collecting and interpreting data.

This is a hybrid event:

  • In person at the Manhari Room, Level 7 at Melbourne Connect. For those attending in person, the event will start with light lunch and informal networking from 12pm.
  • Online via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided after registration.

Please choose the correct ticket type when registering.

Data analysis may seem straightforward, but there are different variables, assumptions and processes in collecting and interpreting data. Where does this leave ethics and the systems and tools we use?

While people often tend to think about “data” as a straightforward set of facts about the world that you feed into some software to get out an “analysis” or “decision” that is “data-driven”. But there’s a lot that goes on before data is collected, within and between software systems, and after an initial output.

This process involves lots of values and assumptions about what data is collected, what it means, and how it should and shouldn’t be used.

This panel includes experts from different fields who use data-driven processes to talk us through how they see that whole process, their unique data journeys, and where they think the most ethically salient points are in the processes.

Questions that may be explored include:

  • What is missing from the data you collect? What challenges do those 'gaps' pose for your research outcomes?
  • How do the software and tools you use interpret your data? For example, are there any presumptions, biases or presumed knowledge in these systems themselves?
  • Is there a clear theoretical framework underlying how data is used? Are there parts of it you find troubling or question? How do you deal with that?
  • How do you manage data outputs? Do these form part of future datasets you use in your research? What does this process look like?



Hosted by the Melbourne Data Analytics Platform (MDAP) and Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ethics (CAIDE).

Order of events

  • From 12pm - Arrival, light lunch and networking
  • 12.30pm - Panel discussion starts
  • 1.30pm - Audience questions and discussion

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