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What is it
At the 2023 Climate Futures Summit, we put the challenges of transition front and centre. Join Melbourne Climate Futures and our esteemed speakers for a day of unflinching discussion, with the goal of sharing and developing the solutions we need to transition speedily to a positive climate future.
10/10/2023 9:00am - 5:00pm

Melbourne Connect, The Superfloor

Register here

Climate Futures Summit 2023

In 2023, the need for urgent transformative climate action is beyond dispute. But getting there will require hard decisions, difficult trade-offs, and determined leadership.

To achieve the significant task of transforming our energy systems, we must address issues of law, economy, land use, and more, to ensure the shift is made justly, safely, and equitably.

Furthermore, with extreme weather events occurring with more frequency and severity, we need to put in place the systems and resources to address the oncoming challenges – as well as those already on our doorstep – of a changed and changing climate.

At the 2023 Climate Futures Summit, we put the challenges of transition front and centre. Join Melbourne Climate Futures and our esteemed speakers for a day of unflinching discussion, with the goal of sharing and developing the solutions we need to transition speedily to a positive climate future.

Registrants attending in person will receive lunch and refreshments. Places are limited and registration by 29 September is essential.

For the full program and list of speakers, visit the Climate Futures website.

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