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How do you maintain a sense of purpose when you can’t even see the starting point? And when you do finally start, how do you find the resilience to push through setbacks?
30/06/2023 5:30pm - 8:00pm

Melbourne Connect Co-Working, Level 2/700 Swanston Street Carlton, VIC 3053

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CHC Speaker Series - Talk 03 - Purpose & Resilience

In support of Run From Poverty 2023, Amy Fitzpatrick and Karrie Williams (Team ClarkeHopkinsClarke Architects) are hosting a speaker series of 3 talks covering topics of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Corporate Social Responsibility including Humanitarian Architecture and Purpose and Resilience.

Sponsored by EQUITONE

Talk 03 - Purpose & Resilience with Kelly Kavanagh

How do you maintain a sense of purpose when you can’t even see the starting point? And when you do finally start, how do you find the resilience to push through setbacks?

In 2016 an expression of interest sparked Kelly’s interest ‘seeking current or ex-serving ADF veterans to form a team, with the bold aim of undertaking a large expedition in Antarctica.’

On a whim, he responded, never daring to dream that of the hundreds of applicants he may be successful. What followed was years of selection, team building, and training activities.

Any expedition requires a colossal amount of work and planning before even reaching the ‘start line’. An inexperienced Australian team attempting to reach the South Pole, even more than most.

For 62 days Kelly and his team skied 1200km through one of the harshest environments on the planet, to the South Pole. The team weathered storms, illness, and all manner of hardships. Things didn’t always go to plan, but with any grand plan, they seldom do. But the resilience, strength, and ultimately good humour of the team saw them succeed.

Kelly Kavanagh was born and raised in Melbourne. He left home and joined the Navy at 19, where he was fortunate enough to travel extensively around Australia and overseas - including deployments conducting Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief operations throughout the South Pacific.

Kelly is now a Senior ILS Engineer, working in the Defence industry of a Spanish shipbuilding company. As well as the Spirit Lives expeditions across Antarctica, Kelly has also travelled much of the Western Sahara, motorbiked through the Himalayas, crossed Iceland on foot in winter, and cycled the length of South America.

Amy and Karrie have committed to running a full marathon and fundraising $30,000 as we take part in Run From Poverty 2023.

Run From Poverty is an experience that exists for two primary reasons:

  • To raise funds to break the poverty cycle by empowering children to fulfil their potential.
  • To provide an immersive experience; empowering participants with a defined sense of purpose, leadership development, and a pathway to make our impact in the world.

The following video also provides a small snapshot of the experience we will be undertaking: Run From Poverty Experience

Ticket prices are a direct donation towards our $30,000 fundraising goal which we aim to surpass before we land in Kenya in mid-July.

If you cannot attend but would still like to support our Journey, please visit the below links to find out more information and donate to the cause:

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