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What is it
Melbourne Climate Futures (MCF) is launching the Sustainable Finance Hub and, in partnership with Cadre.earth, the masterclass, Can Climate Tech Save the World? At this event, Head of the Sustainable Finance Hub, Dr Arjuna Dibley, will explain how MCF will align the financial system with the goals of sustainable development and climate action, while also enhancing financial performance and resilience.
05/09/2023 5:30pm - 7:00pm

Melbourne Connect - The Launchpad and Livestream

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Can Sustainable Finance Save the World?

The “era of global boiling” is upon us. To reduce even worse impacts of climate change, we need more money, more talent, and quickly.

The world needs to be making at least US$4.5 trillion of climate aligned investment per year; current investment is around US$650 billion. We also need to train a global workforce of 300 million “green collar” workers to work in the financial sector and to build the clean technology companies that will save us.

So, how do we transform the current finance system into a “sustainable finance” system? And how do we ensure that we have the capabilities and technologies that will guide us on this path?

To answer this question, Melbourne Climate Futures (MCF) is launching the Sustainable Finance Hub and, in partnership with TheAcademy.Earth, a training product to help get us there.

Dr Arjuna Dibley, the Head of the Sustainable Finance Hub, will explain how MCF is carrying out a unique work program that seeks to raise ambition in Australia and abroad, on some the most critical and most neglected issues in sustainable finance.

Then, MCF Honorary Fellow Dr Adam Bumpus will invite the audience to join an exclusive beta testing group for the TheAcademy.Earth masterclass, which takes an innovative approach to train the new generation of climate leaders the world needs.

Join us after the talks for drinks, canapés and networking opportunities. Registration is essential.

Watch a livestream of this event at 5.30pm via this link.

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