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What is it
Join Professor Bill Gaver to learn about the journey of the Interaction Research Studio - ranging from serene monasteries to city streets, exploring possibilities often overlooked by others.
11/12/2023 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Melbourne Connect, Forum 1 & 2

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Bill Gaver: Designing Futures with the Interaction Research Studio

Learn about the visionary Interaction Research Studio, and the methods and concepts that drive their work.

Join Professor Bill Gaver to learn about the journey of the Interaction Research Studio - ranging from serene monasteries to city streets, exploring possibilities often overlooked by others. Get a glimpse into the future of design, including self-built tech and explorations in transhuman design.

About the speaker

Bill Gaver is Professor of Design and co-leader of the Interaction Research Studio at the University of Northumbria, London. With the Studio, he has developed novel approaches for pursuing design as research over the course of numerous practice-based projects, many of which have been published and exhibited internationally.

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