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Hear insights from Prof. Anton van den Hengel from the University of Adelaide on the latest progress in machine learning methods.
29/07/2024 11:00am - 12:30pm

Melbourne Connect, Forum 3 (Level M)

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AI at Melbourne Colloquium Series: Continual Learning Is All You Need

Most machine learning problems change over time, but most machine learning methods do not. The real world is a constantly evolving data source, and any ML method that runs for more than a week will experience dataset drift. The predominant approach, however, is just to retrain the model on a fixed schedule. In contrast, even the simplest biological organisms learn continuously. This talk will describe some recent progress in continual learning, including the use of generative models to pre-empt the types of changes the real world might inflict.

This event is part of the AI at Melbourne Colloquium Series, a program of talks on the future of Artificial Intelligence at The University of Melbourne.

About the Speaker