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What is it
The Ableist Cities Symposium is free one-day symposium will focus on the theme of Transformative Solutions for Inclusive Development: the role of Innovation in Fuelling an Accessible and Equitable World. Drawing inspiration from last year's exploration of spatial justice and the physical and attitudinal barriers faced by individuals with disabilities, this year's Ableist Cities Symposium intends to hear narratives of individual lived experience or co-designed research.
04/12/2024 9:30am - 4:00pm

Kenneth Myer Building, The University of Melbourne, 30 Royal Parade Parkville, VIC 3052

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2024 Ableist Cities Symposium

Join us for the 2024 Ableist Cities Symposium - Transformative Solutions for Inclusive Development: the role of Innovation in Fuelling an Accessible and Equitable World

This free one-day symposium will focus on the theme of Transformative Solutions for Inclusive Development: the role of Innovation in Fuelling an Accessible and Equitable World.

Drawing inspiration from last year's exploration of spatial justice and the physical and attitudinal barriers faced by individuals with disabilities, this year's Ableist Cities Symposium intends to hear narratives of individual lived experience or co-designed research.

Emphasizing an integrated approach, the symposium seeks to marry the realms of politics, policy, and practical applications to address the pressing challenges faced in the built environment. In giving voice to these narratives, we aim to ignite conversations that will shape our cities to make them more inclusive, equitable, and accessible for all.

Full program: https://msd.unimelb.edu.au/ableist-cities/2024-program

The Ableist Cities Symposium is a collaboration between the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning and the Melbourne Disability Institute at the University of Melbourne.

Funds to subsidise travel and provide support for necessary adjustments are available. For more details, please contact Kirsten Day, dayk@unimelb.edu.au