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Melbourne Centre for Data Science

MCDS aims to forge a vibrant, research-rich and engaging interdisciplinary environment to lead advances in data science for the benefit of society.

Melbourne Centre for Data Science is built out of a joint collaboration between Statistics and Computer Science with priorities to:

  • Connect the data rich ecosystem at the University to enhance distinguished research
  • Enable vital fundamental research and deeper exploration into methodological foundations of data science
  • Collaborate across academia, the private and public sectors, research centres, centres of excellence and research groups to drive innovation
  • Assemble interdisciplinary teams of data science experts and domain experts to tackle long-term and/or large-scale projects
  • Employ data science methods to aid circular discovery and further learned enquiry
  • Inject data science expertise into real-world problems to provide cutting edge solutions
  • Fortify research and educational training in data science for students, postdocs, academics and professionals
  • Progress research outcomes, translation and impact by unblocking impediments by addressing methodological constraints
  • Advise on, promote and observe strong data governance policies and practices

Learn more about MCDS via their website.